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Specialty >> Laparoscopic hysterectomy

Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

laparoscopic hysterectomy is a scar less day care, minimally invasive surgical procedure to remove the uterus for which 0.5 t0 1 cm  length small cuts are made on the abdomen. The surgeon performs the operation by viewing  the intra abdominal cavity from the camera inserted.

The most common reasons for having a hysterectomy include: 

  1. Heavy periods/Heavy menstrual bleeding – which can be caused by fibroids
  2. Pelvic pain – which may be caused by endometriosis
  3. unsuccessfully treated pelvic inflammatory disease (PID),
  4. Adenomyosis
  5. Prolapse of the uterus
  6. Gynaecological malignancy(usually ovarian, uterine or cervical)

ADVANTAGES of laparoscopic hysterectomy includes

  • Early recovery with hospital stay for only one day, the  patient will recover the next day after surgery and  will be walking and eating food. She can resume her day to day activities from the day of discharge.
  • Minimal pain
  • less blood loss
  • Cosmetic procedure (scar marks will not be seen after 15 days).